Divorce can be a challenging and emotionally charged experience. Emotions can be overwhelming, clouding your judgment and invoking fight, flight, or freeze responses, which can interfere with your ability to think clearly and rationally. These conditions are less than ideal for making important decisions about your divorce. So it makes sense to use a divorce method that minimizes conflict and creates a more amicable atmosphere, whenever possible. Is this even possible? (Yes, it is.) It all begins with finding the right method of divorce for you. (↓)
How much does a divorce cost in Utah? That is one of the most common questions we get. Unless you succeed at obtaining an order waiving court costs, everyone who files a divorce in Utah pays a filing fee of $325 plus a “vital statistics” fee of $8, for a grand total of $333 or $398 for divorcing parties with minor children when counting the $65 fee for the state-mandated Divorce Education and Divorce Orientation courses. That’s it! Those are your court costs for filing a divorce. End of story, right?
The decision to get a divorce may be among the most difficult decisions you ever make, yet it is only the beginning of an often difficult and expensive process. In order to get divorced there are a multitude of legal and practical events that need to take place. Where will you live? Will you sell the house? Where will the children primarily live and go to school? Most people will suffer a financial setback post-separation since there will be two households with financial needs, instead of just one. Therefore, it is important to have a good understanding of your goals, your financial condition/needs, and what the next steps in the process are in order to develop an effective exit strategy. Following is a list of common issues and considerations to help you succeed toward this endeavor.
Divorce can feel like a storm--disruptive, agitating, and overwhelming. It's no wonder that divorce is often one of the most challenging experiences a person can endure. But just as storms pass, so too can the turmoil of divorce, especially when you have the right support to help you weather it.
Whenever misfortune strikes and necessity requires me to fork over any hard-earned money to a professional--whether it's a plumber, electrician, or other contractor--I always follow my rule of three bids. This means I take the time to research and call multiple professionals, ask a lot of questions, and request estimates from at least three. This simple rule has saved me countless mistakes, thousands of dollars, and a great deal of stress. For example, one spring an
Jennifer L. Neeley
Jennifer has helped thousands of people get divorced without fighting in court. |